Circle Up Consulting

CircleUp TEAM

Team development activities are a series of mental and physical challenges that require a group of individuals to work collaboratively as a team to accomplish goals. Removing a group of people from their usual environment and placing them in a new, unique setting establishes an environment for open, cooperative, and experiential learning. While outside of their normal comfort zone participants get a new point of view. This perspective helps the individuals in a group realize and appreciate each other’s similarities and differences. Through interaction and processing after each activity, participants will learn how to transfer their team development experiences and new knowledge back to everyday life.


Goals for Teambuilding Programs:

– Provide a unique learning experience
– Learn by doing or hands-on process
– Challenge people outside of their normal environment and comfort zone
– Create metaphors for real life situations
– Encourage people to be true to themselves
– Enhance intrapersonal and interpersonal knowledge
– Give participants an opportunity for play
– Enhance team cohesion and communication

Teambuilding can be characterized as team enhancement or team improvement (Carron and Hausenblas, 2005)

team 2Research Outcomes from Team Experiences:

– Enhanced Group Dynamics (Gillis & Speelman, 2008)
– Individual Self-esteem (Priest and Gass, 1998)
– Team Unity (Voight and Callaghan, 2001)
– Enhanced Camaraderie (Wolfe and Datillo, 2007)
– Interpersonal Sharing (Holt and Dunn, 2006)
– Collaboration & Self-reflection (Turk et al., 2000)
– Enhances Learning (Luckner and Nadler, 1997)




Team development programs include a series of group challenges and tasks (emotional, physical, mental and interpersonal).

All programs are specifically planned and organized based on the client’s unique goals and needs for their team. These are offered in 2-hour, 4-hour (1/2 day), or 8-hour (full day) programs.

Topics discussed may include communication, planning, commitment, quality vs. quantity, listening, accountability, responsibility, managing resources, leading/following, support, and group culture.


Great things are brought about and burdens are lightened through the efforts of many hands anxiously engaged in a good cause.
~ Elder M. Russel Ballard